Administrative – THATCamp SHOT 2016 Just another THATCamp site Sun, 19 Jun 2016 05:45:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 #SHOT2016 Singapore Thu, 27 Sep 2012 20:59:40 +0000

#SHOT2016 THATCamp will be held at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) on June 21st, 2016

This THATCamp is organized broadly around the theme of pedagogy and is associated with the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) annual meeting.

This is the second THATCamp hosted in association with the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) annual meeting.  Notes from #SHOT2014 THATCamp hosted at The Henry Ford are here.

Teaching about and with technologies in higher education is the broad topic for the SHOT 2016 THATCamp to be hosted at SUTD. The full-day workshop will be a place for historians of technology, STS scholars, undergraduate and graduate students, technology specialists and others to meet and share practices, materials, tools, methods, ideas and experiences relating to university pedagogy. While the exact schedule for the day will only be decided on the morning of the day itself, we expect there to be interest in technology as a topic as well as a medium (or set of tools) for teaching. The meeting will support a joint exploration of the pedagogies of history of technology and STS courses taught in different institutional contexts and geographical locales around the world. It will also support a joint exploration of how technological interventions such as MOOCs, social media, and smart classrooms affect (or should affect) such teaching.

Some questions that may be addressed by the group:


  • How can we successfully employ new technologies in our teaching? What is success in this context and what are some good examples that we can learn from?
  • Have we succeeded in creating generative loops between the treatment of technology as a topic and the way we’ve employed technology in our teaching? What are some good examples that we can learn from?
  • What are the implications of various technologies on pedagogical issues including memory, reading, plagiarism, and academic integrity?
  • What are some of the differences and points of convergence in pedagogies situated in different places? What travels (and where) and what does not?



The outcomes of this event will also be discussed during the main SHOT conference in a roundtable session.

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